迪华底模机PERTINAX-1010S特点 1.***底模机软件,可根据刀模图自动生成压痕条后排版切割。We develop our own Pertinax counter making machine software, it can automatically generate creasing line according Dieboard figures before cutting. 2.使用1.2KW自动换刀高速主轴,匹配6个刀座,可用于开槽、定位孔、刨边、切断、打字等。软件自动路径优化加工,确保底模加工质量和效率。 Equipped with 1.2KW auto change tool high speed spindle and 6 tools to slot,position hole,chamfer,cut off and make mark.Our software automatically generates best paths to produce high quality and efficient products. 3.Z轴采用少见设计的控制方式,采用自动对刀仪对刀及随动加工,电脑调节深度,既保证操作的简便性,又保证开槽的加工深度稳定,有效避免其他控制方式存在的深度控制的难点,减少因板材材料带来的问题。 Z-axis adopts exclusive design control mode,auto aligning instrument and follow-up processing puter adjust the depth to ensure the operation simplicity and steady slotting depth.It can effectively avoid the depth control difficulties of other control methods and reduce the problems caused by materials. 4.可选配震动刀,切割胶条。实现一机两用。 Vibrate tool option for cutting rubber function. 5.高效的吸尘设计,保证加工过程中材料表面的整洁。 High efficiently vacuum design to keep the surface clean. 6.整机硬件联锁保护,避免信号出错损坏主轴。 Complete machine hardware interlock protection, preventing from the wrong **s to damage spindle.